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Be the Visionary You have unusually acute foresight and imagination, and you can use this ability to influence your future and your success. When every thought and action is an expression of love, then personal power is achieved. |
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Forgive, and Heal Your Relationships Forgiving yourself and others can be difficult, but unforgiveness is a weakness. Forgiveness sets you free to have healthy relationships with others and yourself, and you are no longer the victim. Having an unforgiving heart will weaken you, and it can also cause illness and imbalance in your body. Resentment toward another person leaves you in a weakened state. Words and deeds from the past cannot be changed, but you can release the emotional response that binds you. Begin moving beyond your pain, and realize that you and the other person are human. Everyone makes mistakes, and unforgiveness is the biggest mistake. When you forgive, you release the victim, and you take control of your thoughts and feelings. You don’t need to forgive the deed, just the person. It takes strength and integrity to forgive, and you’ll feel so much lighter and happier – it will be like a weight lifted off your whole Being.
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