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Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
The way to success and being truly successful can mean different things at different times.

To “reach the top” in life is to navigate your way through your present experience as wisely as possible.
For instance, the great successes do not necessarily achieve a goal that they have had their heart set upon.
Just because you have yet to achieve something you want does NOT mean that you have to think of yourself as unsuccessful.
Sometimes succeeding is just about persevering through a dark and difficult time, not giving up when you feel like a failure, looking for opportunity when all you see is defeat.
Going through the experience of NOT getting what you want gives you an opportunity to become more focused and determined, to increase your faith in life, to strengthen your belief in yourself, to learn how to give up control and surrender with trust in what is.
To “reach the top” in life is to navigate your way through your present experience as wisely as possible.
Conventional standards would say one who has succeeded is wealthy, has achieved his goal, has been able to attain noteworthy status.
While these are commendable accomplishments, they may NOT really match up with how to live the greatest life for YOU.
Seeking the TRUTH about what is happening and what is truly wise or best for YOU to do in the NOW it is really the deepest and most profound path to a great life.
Your life-goals are based on your level of self-understanding, and there is always a deeper level of self-discovery that you can get to.
To fulfill your true life-purpose and to experience the most fulfilling life possible, set out upon a course aimed at uncovering a deeper level of truth, awakening to a deeper level of KNOWING and following your wise path in the now.
When you really think about it, pursuing the path of awakening to the truth about what is really going on and what is really right for you to do defines the course for victory at the ultimate level for every human being.
When we face resistance in life, it is often a sign that we need to let go of our idea of triumph and open up to a deeper level of insight, to connect with a higher level of life-wisdom, rather than continuing to ram our head against the wall.
Have you had such an experience? Please feel welcome to share it in this blog, and to ask any questions you might have about the way to success that is truly meaningful.
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.