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Here is a success secret that that just may change your life:
relate to everything as your perfect gift.
What happens to you does not really impact how you feel. Attitude makes the difference between joy and sorrow, appreciation and disdain.
When you relate to what is happening right now, even when it includes suffering, as your perfect gift, you will begin feeling better about what happens.
You will be less fearful of unpleasant situations when you apply this success secret. You will begin to see the pure and perfect opportunity delivered by each moment.
When we compare our situation to another’s, and ours seems to come up short by comparison, we are doing the opposite of applying this success secret, and suffering the painful, pointless consequences.
There is no experience to resist.
It’s all a gift.

Here is a success secret that that just may change your life: relate to everything as your perfect gift.
- Discouragement is a gift and elation is a gift.
- Consciousness is a gift and unconsciousness is a gift.
- Harmony is a gift and discord is a gift.
- Knowing it’s a gift is a gift and not knowing it’s a gift is a gift.
- Loss is a gift and gain is a gift.
- Kindness is a gift and insanity is a gift.
- Health is a gift and illness is a gift.
- Getting it right is a gift and getting it wrong is a gift.
- Pleasure is a gift and pain is a gift.
This success secret will come to life for you if you remember to question your reaction whenever you feel deprived or let down in any way.
Simply open your mind to the possibility that whatever is happening comes to you from the perfect love and wisdom of an absolutely Good Order Delivery system (or God).
Apply this success secret to discover your fearful resistance melting away, replaced by a sense of grateful release and relief.
Perhaps the most profound success secret of the ages posits the Source of what happens as infinite perfection.
Plato referred to the basic pattern of existence as essentially Good. You will also find this success secret in:
- the Hermetic wisdom of Egyptian antiquity
- in the ancient Tao
- in Hinduism
- In the Jewish Kabbalah
- at the heart of Christianity
- in the teachings of Buddhism
- in the transcendental philosophies of Whitman and Emerson
It is only our superficial judgment and habitual emotional reaction
that turns any event against us.
Apply this success secret of the ages to discover just how good – how great – how wonderful your life CAN be.
Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.