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Whatever your present challenge is, focus on positive goal-setting and you will come up with an idea to advance towards your goal.
You will probably never come across success stories in which the highly accomplished man or woman plunged into despair when things did not work out as planned.
When facing a challenge, apply the wise success strategy of waxing positive.
A positive attitude tunes you into solutions and opportunities.
When we wax negatively, we permit a habitual emotional reaction to tune us into more problems.
Do you complain when things do not turn out the way you had wished?
Complaining reinforces negative attitudes and it will attract conditions that you find even more frustrating.
Whatever your present challenge is, focus on positive goal-setting and you will come up with an idea to advance towards your goal.
To be successful, work free of the complaining habit, so you can focus on where you want to go and continue moving toward success.
Wisdom is knowing how to proceed in line with what you really want to accomplish.
When we slip into feelings of discouragement, frustration or insecurity, we block our access to wisdom.
To access success wisdom, expect to know what you can do to achieve any goal you have set for yourself.
Positive expectation is the mindset that prepares you to turn the way things are into the way you want things to be.
By keeping your mind free of negative judgment or negative opinions regarding what is happening, you preserve your creative freedom to recognize and take advantage of the opportunity to achieve your goals and objectives.
When you trust that you can and will succeed you demonstrate an internal success factor shared by the most accomplished and fulfilled individuals.
When you judge a situation as negative, you blind yourself to its positives and miss the possibilities for succeeding, which is NOT how to be successful.
So don’t wax negative when things don’t turn out as planned. Take command of your mood, attitude and thoughts. Apply the success wisdom of waxing POSITIVE.
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.