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As parents, we need to live in positive motivation to pass on that wonderful spirit to our children
Here is a wonderful secret for how to motivate your child to display beautiful, responsible self-conduct and a great attitude WITHOUT you having to strain for child discipline.
Develop your SELF-motivation.
Self-motivation is a product of a happy way of life.
I’ve discovered with my kids that they definitely reflect the mood that I’m in.
When I become stressed, when I start to rush, when I overtax myself with multi-taxing, my positive motivation declines and my kids seem to need more child discipline from me.
But instead of pushing myself even harder to control their behavior with stern intensity, I relax, ease up on myself, and remember to ENJOY my kids instead of working too hard to control my kids.
As I do this, they need less child discipline from me.
When you feel motivated, enthused, in love with your life, you automatically motivate your child to behave beautifully, reducing your need to apply stern child discipline.
Since long before I had children I have been training myself to live in a mode that permits me to experience joy, peace, and love.
I learned that by slowing down, relaxing, paying more attention to the present moment, and remaining committed to enjoying my life, not just living my life, I feel more motivated.
I learned to listen to signals of my body. For instance, while writing this blog I began feeling too hungry to concentrate without strain, so I paused for lunch.
While lunching, I looked out my window and noticed the sun shining, and that enticed me. So I ate my lunch in the warm sunlight.
Honoring my feelings helps me stay motivated and, by extension, to motivate my child.
When I became a parent, I brought this wisdom into parenting. I work on dealing with every parenting challenge with fulfillment, peace and inspiration.
Happy parenting is not necessarily irresponsible parenting. If you commit to it, YOU can learn how to bring more joy into your handling of your child leaving a mess behind, fibbing, breaking an expensive dish.
It comes down to the quality of life you want.
Here is an exercise to live in joy,
so you can motivate your child automatically:
Take one day to concentrate on doing whatever you do
with more joy, fulfillment and satisfaction.
Take this into your parenting. Whatever you do for or with your child, concentrate on making it an enjoyable experience for yourself.
This blog is your chance to contribute to the world’s parenting wisdom.
Please share with us, your “parent wisdom community”,
your experiences of doing this exercise.
Also share any questions you have about how to live in joy,
motivate your child and child discipline.
You CAN bring more joy, love and fulfillment into whatever must be done, if you make that a priority for yourself.
As parents, we need to live in positive motivation to pass on that wonderful spirit to our children.
To motivate your child, motivate yourself.
Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.