To achieve the fulfillment that you want in a relationship, help yourself by no longer struggling to change others. Regard yourself as the creator of your relationship experiences. The harder you work on changing others the more depleted and defeated you feel and the more emotionally dependent upon others you become.
Relationship Help: Beware of Manipulation
By Bob LancerJanuary 7th, 2011
Relationship Advice For Strife
By Bob LancerSeptember 8th, 2010
You make a harmonious, loving relationship unattainable for yourself as long as you refuse to live in a harmonious, loving way. To diminish relationship strife, follow this relationship advice: diminish the stress in your life. Stress is not caused by circumstances, but by driving ourselves too hard to control our circumstances.
A Root Of Behavior Problems
By Bob LancerSeptember 8th, 2010
Child behavior problems fester when the parent's intention is to control the child for the sake of the parent's personal satisfaction, without regard for the child's developmental interests. When parents enforce obedience for the sake of obedience, they develop in the child a blindness or a numbness to the child's inner sense of life-wisdom.
Your Child Development Discipline Solution
By Bob LancerSeptember 8th, 2010
Just as nature drives flowers and plants to fulfill their glorious potential, the child development urge drives your child, from deep within, to fulfill his glorious potential. This pattern causes children to naturally crave the guidance and direction that helps them develop the abilities and strengths they will need to "make it" in the world.