YOU CAN DO IT when it comes to providing your child with the loving, the positive parental involvement that both you and your child need to feel and to do great. There are four basic steps to achieving the goal of adequate parental involvement while parenting children.
Parenting Children Without Overwhelm
By Bob LancerMay 17th, 2011
Parenting children without overwhelm IS possible. Understanding the cause and cost of parenting children with overwhelm begins to set you free. You enter overwhelm in parenting children by overtaxing yourself. An unbalanced mode of parenting is the real cause of parent fatigue, burn-out, and impatience.
Relationship Tip: How To NOT Get Along
By Bob LancerFebruary 24th, 2011
One relationship tip that we rarely find is how to NOT get along. And yet, such a relationship tip is really essential, because in any relationship that lasts a significant length of time, it is inevitable that there will be times when the two of you just can’t get along.
Relationship tips usually focus on how TO get along. But just as important is knowing how to NOT get along.