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Hitting, yelling, reacting with anger toward kids, and then blaming that on the kids, is just one example of the negative relationship pattern between children and parents that have contributed to our civilization’s decline.
It’s time for a new approach to parental control.
It’s obvious that the old approach hasn’t worked.
The adult rulers of the world have harmed the planet. And those adults were raised in the old ways.
The air did not have to become polluted, nor the drinking water. The ancient growth forests did not have to be decimated.
Mass media did not have to decline into blathering blowhards generating fear and divisiveness for a fast buck.
Our politicians could have been honest, upstanding citizens really looking out for the public good instead of the apparent corporate shills they have by and large become.
We could have discarded the use of bloody war centuries ago.
Adults set an example for children of how NOT to care for our world.
And to not care for our world is to not care for ourselves!
The roots of our world’s descent into increasingly toxic conditions, toxic physically and psychologically, can be traced to the “old school approach” to parental control.
We commonly hear adults complaining about “today’s unruly children”. What do YOU believe is the cause of the problem with ADULTS today?
Do you agree that a partial cause of destructive adult behavior is the approach to parental control by their parents during their childhood?
What adult behavior problems have YOU displayed that you can trace back to your relationship with your parents?
Share your thoughts and questions about this this blog.
Hitting, yelling, reacting with anger toward kids, and then blaming that on the kids, is just one example of the negative relationship pattern between children and parents that have contributed to our civilization’s decline.
One essential change needed in our approach to parental control must involve parents taking responsibility for the painful, unhealthy, and unhappy ways that they react to their children.
Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Tags: behavior problems, child development, child discipline, child growth, child's behavior, children quotes, good parenting, inspirational quotes, motivational videos, parent child relationship, parent children, parenting advice, parenting children, parenting help, parenting tips