Blog Posts By Blancer
By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

While our aim is to improve the relationship, our angry tirade virtually always accomplishes the opposite result
When we lash out in anger at someone, we are desperately trying to correct a perceived injustice.
While our aim is to improve the relationship, our angry tirade virtually always accomplishes the opposite result.
It may incite the others defensiveness, which increases our frustration.
It may trigger the other person into an offensive counter-attack that escalates the conflict.
Even when an angry tirade does manage to persuade the other person to change in line with our desire, some negative fall-out results from our assault, undermining trust, bonding and intimacy in the relationship.
Keeping feelings of resentment to ourselves does not represent relationship wisdom.
Harboring unspoken feelings of resentment causes one to withhold in the relationship, often driving one to engage in passive-aggressiveness at worst, or artificiality at best that inevitably arouses the other person’s distrust.
Here then are some anger management tips for solving relationship problems, including marriage problems.
Self-honesty or emotional accountability is the first anger management tip.
You have face the fact that there really are some unintended, unwanted consequences, like undermining trust in your marriage, when you lash out in anger.
Self-understanding is another tip for better managing anger.Understand that what you really want is more love in your relationship. When you react in anger you repel love, you do not increase it.
Through more self-honesty and self-understanding you can begin to formulate a relationship strategy that works better than lashing out.
This leads us to the third of our anger management tips to improve your relationship: be proactive instead of reactive.
In other words, look for ways to help the other to do better instead of attacking in reaction to his or her undesirable performance.
Let’s say that you begin feeling impatient and frustrated when you have to wait for your mate to gather her things together before she can walk out the door and join you in the car on a date-night.
Instead of steaming angrily while you count the seconds and minutes, proactively assist her in taking care of her last minute details.
So applying this tip for anger management means being helpful instead of hurtful to improve your relationship.
Here then are your 3 simple anger management tips:
1. Be self-honest.
2. Examine your motives for improved self-understanding.
3. Be more proactive than reactive.
As you put these into practice, you will enjoy more loving cooperation in your relationships.
Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: about relationships, better relationships, child development, love advice, love and relationships, love relationships, make your relationship better, marriage relationships, relationship advice, relationship help, relationship quotes, save a relationship, save relationship, wisdom for better relationships, wisdom for marriage, wisdom for relationships
Posted in Wisie for Parenting |
By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

The practice of living in the positive attitude of faith and optimistically persevering are indispensable success factors for any great accomplishment
All human beings have the innate success-power to direct their own lives.
Imaginative goal-setting activates this power.
In other words, deliberately envisioning what you want to manifest sets the manifestation process of that outcome into motion.
To be successful, harness your power of creative visualization by imagining yourself living in the conditions, goals or outcomes that you desire.
However, don’t make the common mistake of presuming that the easy and immediate fulfillment of your desires automatically follows when you imagine yourself succeeding.
When you visualize what you want you set the manifestation process into motion and then life starts delivering to you the exact conditions that you need to go through in order to manifest or accomplish what you desire.
It may be that you need to pass through extremely challenging situations to manifest what you want or to achieve your goal.
But to get where you want to go you may have to pass through difficult conditions that you manifested through previous negative visualizing, like worrying about failing or expecting to be disappointed.
You may have to first overcome severe obstacles to develop the abilities, strength, and knowledge you need to finally be successful at manifesting your intended outcome.
However, once you visualize your desired outcome, there really is no need for you to feel anxious or disappointed. Whatever occurs is exactly what you asked for, because going through it is necessary to arrive at where you want to go.
Avoid diverting the manifestation process by imagining that your situation is NOT what you need to go through to progress along the path to success, that your present difficulty or let-down is a sign that you will NOT succeed, that your efforts to achieve success have led to failure.
When you envision failure, feel disappointed or worry about your future you are manifesting more of what you do NOT want.
So after you envision your success, TRUST that everything that happens next is exactly what you need to go through to achieve your goals and objectives.
The practice of living in the positive attitude of faith and optimistically persevering are indispensable success factors for any great accomplishment.
Difficult circumstances give you the perfect opportunity to let go of discouraging visualizations and worry-habits.
So here is how the power of creative visualization REALLY works as a key to success:
Every experience that happens to you PERFECTLY ALIGNS with your visualization of success in life.
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: achieve success, achieve your goal, be successful, goal-setting, imagine yourself succeeding, key to success, personal development, positive quotes, positive thinking, self empowerment, self growth, self improvement, Success Power, success skills, the path to success, think positive
Posted in Wisie for Success |
By Bob Lancer
Thursday, July 5th, 2012
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Whatever your present challenge is, focus on positive goal-setting and you will come up with an idea to advance towards your goal.
You will probably never come across success stories in which the highly accomplished man or woman plunged into despair when things did not work out as planned.
When facing a challenge, apply the wise success strategy of waxing positive.
A positive attitude tunes you into solutions and opportunities.
When we wax negatively, we permit a habitual emotional reaction to tune us into more problems.
Do you complain when things do not turn out the way you had wished?
Complaining reinforces negative attitudes and it will attract conditions that you find even more frustrating.
Whatever your present challenge is, focus on positive goal-setting and you will come up with an idea to advance towards your goal.
To be successful, work free of the complaining habit, so you can focus on where you want to go and continue moving toward success.
Wisdom is knowing how to proceed in line with what you really want to accomplish.
When we slip into feelings of discouragement, frustration or insecurity, we block our access to wisdom.
To access success wisdom, expect to know what you can do to achieve any goal you have set for yourself.
Positive expectation is the mindset that prepares you to turn the way things are into the way you want things to be.
By keeping your mind free of negative judgment or negative opinions regarding what is happening, you preserve your creative freedom to recognize and take advantage of the opportunity to achieve your goals and objectives.
When you trust that you can and will succeed you demonstrate an internal success factor shared by the most accomplished and fulfilled individuals.
When you judge a situation as negative, you blind yourself to its positives and miss the possibilities for succeeding, which is NOT how to be successful.
So don’t wax negative when things don’t turn out as planned. Take command of your mood, attitude and thoughts. Apply the success wisdom of waxing POSITIVE.
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: how to be successful, inspirational videos, personal development, Positive expectation, positive quotes, positive thinking, self empowerment, self growth, self improvement, success factor, success skills, success-wisdom, think positive
Posted in Wisie for Success |
By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Once you are in the thick of raising children, you realize that it may be one of the most taxing tests life delivers, and it delivers it everyday.
We plan to have a family based on the dream of family harmony.
But supporting a family emotionally and financially is not that easy. The bigger the family the more directions you are pulled in at one time.
If you parent more than one child you know how hard it can be when both children demand your undivided attention at the same time, while the phone is ringing, dinner is cooking and your mate is trying tell you something important. At the same you might look around at your home and see mess after mess. And while all this is happening, you feel so deeply in need of a nap!
Single parents have the added challenge of having no other parent around to help out.
Once you are in the thick of raising children, you realize that it may be one of the most taxing tests life delivers, and it delivers it everyday.

We plan to have a family based on the dream of family harmony.
A common mistake we parents make is to drive ourselves too hard.
There is a far more sane and simple solution to meeting your family demands.
The moment you feel your pressure starting to mount, instead of surging forward in attempt to get it all done, let go and lighten up! This is both a self-help and a family help solution.
While one child tugs at your sleeve and the other spills juice on your foot, take an INTERNAL time out.
Remain still, relax your body, and calm your nerves by breathing gently, fully, calmly.
Stand in a juice puddle (or even the pee puddle, for that matter) and just let it all BE. Let YOURSELF just BE.
You need to live in peace and poise to appreciate all the good in your life, and to avoid feeling over-burdened, depressed and chronically annoyed.
It is our attachment to control over externals, not the demands of others or of our environment, that really drives us into an emotional frenzy.
Having a family IS a gift, but you have to be at peace to enjoy it.
And with this joy comes your power to be a better parent, partner, worker and human being.
Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: be a better parent, child development, child growth, child's behavior, children demand, family help, good parenting, Having a family, inspirational quotes, meeting your family demands, parent child relationship, parent children, parent more than one child, parenting advice, parenting children, parenting help, parenting tips, raising children, Single parents, supporting a family, think positive, time out
Posted in Wisie for Parenting |
By Bob Lancer
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Whether we are conscious of it or not, that relationship problem is produced by imagining ourselves lacking in some way.
When we feel insecure in a relationship, the cause is always imaginary.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, that relationship problem is produced by imagining ourselves lacking in some way.
This causes our lack of natural, comfortable self-confidence in the relationship.
A common expression of insecurity is to become a “people pleaser” by trying to figure out what the other person wants us to be.
But this relationship strategy fails to bring us happiness, because we still feel rejected by ourselves.
While pretending to be what we are not we are pushing the other person away out of fear of being “found out”, which will ultimately sabotage the relationship.
Here is a more effective relationship strategy for overcoming the insecurity that sabotages interpersonal-bonding: improve how you see yourself rather than worrying about or trying to manipulate how others see you.
The following confidence-building exercise can help you to build better relationships:
1. Write out a list of all the personal qualities that you see in yourself that you dislike, disrespect, or disapprove of.
2. Then, compose a list in which you replace those qualities with abilities, characteristics or talents that you would like instead.
3. Spend a few minutes envisioning yourself possessing and expressing each of those more desirable qualities.
Performing this exercise once or twice may not relieve you of the self-esteem problem that has been preventing you from enjoying better relationships.
A lack of self-confidence in relationships usually stems from deeply rooted self-concept habits.
But as you persevere in letting go of negative thoughts about yourself, and in building up a vision of yourself expressing more beautiful, powerful, splendid qualities, you will feel more self-assured in relationships.
In this blog, please share your thoughts and questions about this relationship advice, and your experience of doing this confidence-building exercise.
Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: about relationships, advice for a relationship, better relationships, confidence-building exercise, feel insecure in a relationship, feel more self-assured in relationships, feel rejected, insecurity in a relationship, interpersonal-bonding, love advice, love and relationships, make your relationship better, marriage relationships, overcoming the insecurity, people pleaser, relationship advice, relationship help, relationship problem, relationship quotes, relationship strategy, sabotage the relationship, save a relationship, save relationship, self confidence, self-confidence in the relationship, self-esteem
Posted in Wisie for Relationship |
By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Exercising your will-power to sustain your focus on achieving your goal, particularly when you feel like giving up, delivers your greatest boost toward ultimate triumph
To access your total success power, remain goal-focused.
The focus of your attention upon your intention to succeed will direct your inner-power to manifest that great success.
Know what you intend to achieve, focus on it, and reject thoughts that conceive of or visualize the possibilities of defeat.
Let go of anxiously thinking about obstacles and dangers, because what you focus attention on expands in your life.
It really doesn’t matter if you expected to achieve your goal by now.
Look back to gain success-wisdom lessons.
Consider how you may have contributed to the delay of your dream come true, in order to apply a higher level of success wisdom to accelerate your progress from this point on.
If a loss or let-down tempts you to indulge in thoughts and feelings of futility, strengthen your will-to-succeed by deliberately sustaining your focus on doing what you can in the present moment to manifest the success you want.
Thinking about the frightening possibilities of failure and disgrace is a self-sabotaging mental habit that you can gain by exercising your will to remain focused on, and actively engaged in, accomplishing what you intend to achieve.

To access your total success power, remain goal-focused.
Exercising your will-power to sustain your focus on achieving your goal, particularly when you feel like giving up, delivers your greatest boost toward ultimate triumph.
It is one of the great mind-power secrets of mental discipline demonstrated by the world’s highest achievers throughout history.
To access your total success power, remain goal-focused.
Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: accomplishing what you intend, achieve your goal, direct your inner-power, dream come true, failure and disgrace, feel like giving up, focus attention, focus of your attention, focus on achieving your goal, goal-focused, key to success, manifest that great success, manifest the success, mental discipline, mind-power secrets, motivational quotes, self empowerment, self growth, self improvement, self-sabotaging mental habit, strengthen your will-to-succeed, Success Power, success secrets, success skills, success-wisdom, think positive, thinking about obstacles, visualize the possibilities, will-power, Will-To-Succeed
Posted in Wisie for Success |
By Bob Lancer
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Spend time every day simply calmly, consciously observing your child
A child’s problematic behavior often stems from a parent misreading the child.
Parenting as effectively as possible produces the best child behavior results. It requires clear and accurate recognition of our children’s present need for appropriate behavior.
To know what our children need from us to avoid developing a behavior problem, or to improve their behavior, we need to be very aware in the present moment.
Getting too caught up in our daily tasks, we may pay superficial attention to the child, causing us to overlook the child’s subtle signs of need, like a sadly drooping face or an aggressive clenching of a fist.
Destructive behavior that seems to come “out of the blue” could often have been prevented if the parent had paid closer attention beforehand to recognize what the child required BEFORE she began throwing a tantrum, BEFORE he began kicking the pet, BEFORE he began biting his sibling.
Perhaps the child’s deepest, most fundamental need is for us to demonstrate CONSCIOUS parenting.
Alert, conscious observation of the child in the present reveals the true self of the child.
And that “self” becomes the best form of guidance for parents, showing us just what this particular child needs at this particular time for great child behavior and positive child development.
When we fall into habitual, “mechanical” unconscious parenting, even when we are with our children we are not really there, and they sense it.
To gain our deeper involvement they may resort to inappropriate, or even outrageous behavior, even when they “know better”.
Behavior problems manifest as our parental responses mismatch the needs that our children express.
Conscious Parenting Tips:
- Spend time every day simply calmly, consciously observing your child.
- As you apply this parenting tip, look for your child’s subtle physical signs that express her mood, attitude, and feelings in general.
As you practice more CONSCIOUS parenting, you will:
- Experience deeper and more accurate understanding of your child.
- Be better at predicting when your child is headed toward behaving improperly.
- More effectively meet your child’s need for great child behavior.
Feel welcome share in this blog your experience of applying these Conscious Parenting Tips, and any questions that you have about your child’s behavior.
Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: behaving improperly, behavior problems, child development, child growth, child's behavior, children quotes, CONSCIOUS parenting, Destructive behavior, discipline alternative, good parenting, great child behavior, guidance for parents, improve their behavior, outrageous behavior, Parenting, Parenting as effectively, parenting children, parenting help, parenting tip, parenting tips, Practice conscious parenting, throwing a tantrum, understand your child, understanding of your child
Posted in Wisie for Parenting |
By Bob Lancer
Friday, February 24th, 2012
Receive your FREE Relationships Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Great communication in a marriage gives you a powerful advantage in life.
What’s the general quality of communication in your marriage?
On a consistent basis, how much loving-kindness passes between you and your life-partner during your important conversations– even during your casual verbal exchanges?
Do your efforts to communicate effectively often lead to feelings of a broken connection? Do your attempts to solve problems together end up producing more problems, like marital bickering?
Are your discussions with your spouse typically characterized by harmonious feelings of marital intimacy, or would you describe them with words like “contentiousness”, “combativeness”, “criticalness”, “annoyance”?
While communicating with your partner about typical relationship “hot buttons” like financial difficulties and disciplining the children, do you tend to feel uplifted by your mate or disappointed by your mate?
Would you describe the quality of your routine, daily verbal exchanges as affectionate or as competitive?
Do the two of you talk much at all?
Great communication in a marriage gives you a powerful advantage in life.
If the two of you can strategize and problem-solve as great communicators, you will feel greatly empowered to tackle life’s challenges.
But how many partners really enjoy this gift of personal empowerment through positive marital discourse?
What if you and your mate have communication problems that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try to fix your marriage?
Here is what you may regard as startling relationship advice if you have been hitting a wall in your efforts to converse warmly and constructively on a consistent basis:
TRUST YOUR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS, including marital squabbling and other forms of conversation-disconnect.
If you fear a marital problem, if you worry about it, if you struggle too hard to solve it, you program your subconscious to allow it to sabotage your happiness and success – maybe even your health.
How is this for surprising relationship wisdom: Instead worrying about what is wrong with your relationship work on improving your attitude toward the way things are.
As you live in trust, you find peace, joy, love and fulfillment blooming in your heart naturally.
That worry-free state of mind releases you to live healthfully, successfully and happily.
To worry about marital discord is to deepen the relationship quagmire.
To trust your love-partnership problems does not necessarily mean being a passive mate resigned to unhappiness.
It means trusting what you cannot control.
It is part of trusting the way life is, which means living in the healing power of faith. It also programs your subconscious to keep you on track for all you want in life.
Have you applied this relationship advice in your love life?
Share in this blog any questions you have about trusting instead of fearing relationship problems.
Receive your FREE Relationships Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: annoyance, broken connection, casual verbal exchanges, combativeness, communicate effectively, communicating with your partner, communication in your marriage, communication problems, contentiousness, conversation-disconnect, converse warmly, criticalness, disappointed by your mate, discussions with your spouse, fix your marriage, Great communication, great communicators, hitting a wall, hot buttons, important conversations, inspirational videos, life-partner, love and relationships, love life, love relationships, love-partnership problems, loving-kindness, make your relationship better, marital bickering, marital discord, marital discourse, marital intimacy, marital problem, marital squabbling, marriage relationships, passive mate, relationship, relationship advice, relationship help, relationship problems, relationship quagmire, relationship quotes, relationship wisdom, save a relationship, save relationship, solve problems together, uplifted by your mate, verbal exchanges, wrong with your relationship
Posted in Wisie for Parenting |
By Bob Lancer
Thursday, February 16th, 2012
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
The way to success and being truly successful can mean different things at different times.

To “reach the top” in life is to navigate your way through your present experience as wisely as possible.
For instance, the great successes do not necessarily achieve a goal that they have had their heart set upon.
Just because you have yet to achieve something you want does NOT mean that you have to think of yourself as unsuccessful.
Sometimes succeeding is just about persevering through a dark and difficult time, not giving up when you feel like a failure, looking for opportunity when all you see is defeat.
Going through the experience of NOT getting what you want gives you an opportunity to become more focused and determined, to increase your faith in life, to strengthen your belief in yourself, to learn how to give up control and surrender with trust in what is.
To “reach the top” in life is to navigate your way through your present experience as wisely as possible.
Conventional standards would say one who has succeeded is wealthy, has achieved his goal, has been able to attain noteworthy status.
While these are commendable accomplishments, they may NOT really match up with how to live the greatest life for YOU.
Seeking the TRUTH about what is happening and what is truly wise or best for YOU to do in the NOW it is really the deepest and most profound path to a great life.
Your life-goals are based on your level of self-understanding, and there is always a deeper level of self-discovery that you can get to.
To fulfill your true life-purpose and to experience the most fulfilling life possible, set out upon a course aimed at uncovering a deeper level of truth, awakening to a deeper level of KNOWING and following your wise path in the now.
When you really think about it, pursuing the path of awakening to the truth about what is really going on and what is really right for you to do defines the course for victory at the ultimate level for every human being.
When we face resistance in life, it is often a sign that we need to let go of our idea of triumph and open up to a deeper level of insight, to connect with a higher level of life-wisdom, rather than continuing to ram our head against the wall.
Have you had such an experience? Please feel welcome to share it in this blog, and to ask any questions you might have about the way to success that is truly meaningful.
Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: achieve something, achieved his goal, attain noteworthy status, being truly successful, commendable accomplishments, course for victory, difficult time, experience the most fulfilling life possible, feel like a failure, focused and determined, fulfill your true life-purpose, give up control, increase your faith, life-goals, live the greatest life, looking for opportunity, not giving up, opportunity, path of awakening, path to a great life, persevering, personal development, positive quotes, positive thinking, reach the top, see is defeat, self empowerment, self growth, self improvement, self-discovery, strengthen your belief in yourself, succeeded, succeeding, success secrets, success skills, surrender with trust, the great successes, The way to success, think positive, triumph, unsuccessful, wealthy
Posted in Wisie for Success |
By Bob Lancer
Thursday, February 16th, 2012
Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Don’t just stay married. Stay ENGAGED. Enjoy an engaged relationship with your spouse.

Build a conscious connection with your mate. Stay PRESENT
By that I mean, build a conscious connection with your mate. Stay PRESENT.
Relationships between married couples don’t work out automatically. They require the daily application of real relationship wisdom. They require consistently CONSCIOUS relationship work.
This does not have to take all the joy out of matrimony. In fact, it may be the most powerful relationship tip for preserving AND enhancing marital joy and fulfillment.
Sooner or later, just about all married couples can use great date ideas.  Just going out to dinner or taking in a movie can get old. Going on a drive on a moonlit night can be special, but if you have young kids at home, that may not be easy to do, without dragging your children along. (Yippeee!)
Here is a better date night idea: No matter what you do or where you are, try being MORE aware of how you are ENGAGING with your mate by asking yourself:
1. Am I pressing the right buttons or the wrong buttons?
2. Am I being too serious?
3. Am I being too detached?
4. Am I even paying attention to how my mate feels?
Unhappy relationships, like happy relationships, don’t just happen. They are made.
Not every “long distance romance” is defined by physical space!
You and your spouse can be in the same room and yet be in different worlds.
Love and marriage may start out together, but they may soon begindrifting apart.
But it’s never too late for a marriage makeover. It’s never too late to make a new start.
You can fix your marriage by re-fixing your gaze upon your mate in the now.
If you begin to be more intentionally and consciously involved, you feed the spark of romantic loving attraction.
You may be sabotaging love without realizing it.
Love and relationship advice: To find better ways of engaging with your mate for a great relationship, reflect on how you handled your interactions
Were you harsher than you wish you had been? Did you become more frustrated than you want to be? Did you lash out verbally in a way that you regret? How might you have been a more constructively engaged lover, friend or even business support for your mate?
Don’t beat yourself up over your shortcomings. Learn your relationship lesson! Lift yourself up by thinking about how you can do better for a better relationship.
Do this relationship work of reflection at the close of today for a more engaged and delightful committed relationship tomorrow.
In this blog, please share your thoughts and questions about engagement and marriage, and the results of your application of the love and relationship advice it presents.
Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.
Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.
Tags: better relationship, committed relationship, connection with your mate, drifting apart, enhancing marital joy, fix your marriage, great date ideas, great relationship, happy relationships, joy out of matrimony, long distance romance, Love and marriage, Love and relationship advice, marriage makeover, married couples, mate feels, powerful relationship tip, relationship advice, relationship help, relationship lesson, relationship quotes, relationship wisdom, relationship with your spouse, relationship work, romantic loving attraction, sabotaging love, save a relationship, save relationship, support for your mate, Unhappy relationships, wisdom for better relationships, wisdom for marriage, wisdom for relationships, young kids at home
Posted in Wisie for Relationship |