Solve Your Problems With Positive Thinking

By Bob Lancer
September 8th, 2010

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positive thinking

Positive thinking holds the key to any solution

Positive thinking is really the solution to any problem, because all of our problems exist only in our minds.

Does that sound impossible? Consider this. If you had no thought in your mind of any problem at all, you would experience a condition that we can call “problem free”.

You experience a problem only as long as you continue thinking about what you do NOT want. As long as you want problems, continue thinking about them. But when you are ready for solutions, it’s time for positive thinking.

A solution is a positive thought, is it not? You conceive of a solution when you imagine how things can work out well.  That is essentially what positive thinking is: imagining things turning out wonderfully.

Many of us mistakenly presume that the way to leave a problem behind is to hold onto it all the time!  But the first step to leaving a problem is to let go of the thoughts that create it. You need space in your mind for your solution to arrive.

Your thought of a problem is really just a sign that it is time to focus on a solution. It is time to direct the creative process of your mind. Do this by letting go of your problem mentally, and then keeping an open mind, trusting that your solution will come.  it will!

A negative thought is a thought of what you do not want in your life. As long as you think of a condition you do not want, you feel stuck in it.

As you practice staying aware of your mind’s activities you gain mastery over your thinking. Turn negative thinking into positive thinking by focusing your mind on what you want. And pay close attention to the present to see and to seize your opportunities.

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